Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Not happening...

There goes my dream of having one of the best wide outs in the game playing for Purple & Gold. I had some thought that Fitzgerald would have interest in playing for the hometown Vikings because he grew up in Minneapolis and played his high school ball there as well. But, he is obviously happy in Arizona not winning with Leinart. That's fine, let him be happy in the nice warm weather there. It would have been really great having him and this new guy they signed from the Bears. I still think the Vike's need another play maker besides AP.


Anonymous said...

"the other guy they signed from the bears" ... Glad you know his name since he is such a superstar.

Fitz didnt play his college ball in MN either - what exactly made you think that he would want to play for this disaster, no talent, never going anywhere organization ?

Steve Abelson said...

I didn't say his college ball, I said his high school ball.